Fluffy Gluten Free Carrot Muffins

Yes, I said fluffy. Made with Glutino’s muffin mix as a base, these are also easy to prepare–and they freeze well.

carrot muffins


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gf and me’s Gluten Free Cake-In-A-Mug

It’s late. You have a craving for something sweet and chocolatey. But you’re GF and it’s difficult to just run to the store and pick up something. What do you do?

You make gf and me‘s three minute cake-in-a-mug, that’s what you do.

You’ll want to bookmark this recipe ’cause you’ll be back for it, I guarantee.

cup cake

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Best Ever Pizza Sauce – And It’s Gluten Free

This makes a great pizza sauce – tomatoey, spicy, and a bit sweet.

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Gluten Free Restaurants in Red Deer Alberta

It’s Friday night, it’s been a long week, and the last thing you feel like doing is cooking but you don’t know where to get a GF meal. Maybe you’re visiting Central Alberta and you have no idea where you can go to find good, safe, gluten free food. Or perhaps you’re planning a group get together and someone in your party has celiac disease.

Here is a list of some of gf and me’s favorite and not-so-favorite places to dine out in and around Red Deer, Alberta. Entries are listed alphabetically and offer a brief description, menu suggestions, and links to more information.

Dining in Red Deer Alberta

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Let’s Try This Again – since our links were broken last time!


Exciting News! Gf and me has moved from gfandme.wordpress.com to gfandme.com! Same great recipes – just a bit more freedom.

Some of the great recipes we have coming up include:

Awesome Cinnamon Fruit Bread

Amazing Almond Flour Lemon Cake

Adorable Easter Cookies

A Note to Our Followers:

For those of you who have been following us through wordpress, you should still be getting our posts in your wordpress reader (although we are having trouble getting the photographs to show up there and are working with the great people at wordpress.com to remedy that). However, you will no longer be able to “like” or chat with us directly from the reader (you’ll have to drop by our site for that) and you won’t be able to reblog our posts since those features are only available to wordpress.com sites. But please continue to leave us your great comments and suggestions and to like our posts on our new site gfandme.com. You can always get to us by clicking on the link to gf and me in the header of your reader page.

If you were following us by email through wordpress and are no longer receiving your notices in your inbox, please come on over to gfandme.com and sign up again.

Now you can also follow us by RSS feed and on pinterest. We’re also working on getting a facebook page up and running so stay tuned.

Geoff and Me
